As granted by the Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos 15/1999, all the information that You might provide to the We exist tour project, through whichever mechanisms implemented at their website, will become part of a file exclusively owned and handled by:
Responsable del Tratamiento
Identity: We exist tour project
Address: C/Jordi Girona, 1 Omega S101 08034. Barcelona
Telephone#: 934137590
Such information will be handled with full confidentiality, with the only object of sending information related to the Festival and its activities to the users.
Those users whose data are handled in this framework, are granted the right to reject, access, modify, and cancel their personal data or handling permit as stated by the Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos 15/1999, on Protection of Personal Information. If users needed to exert any of these rights, they should send a written statement to the above mentioned address.
The We exist tour project will not hand over these personal data to third parties. In the eventuality of doing so, the owner of the information will be noticed with an explanation of the objective, specification of the involved data, as well as the name and address of those who will receive the file.
The We exist tour project agrees to take any technical and organizational security actions required to prevent unauthorised modification, loss, handling and access to these files. However, given the current security conditions of the Internet, the owner of the Files can neither ascertain nor assume any liability concerning violation or rights in the eventuality that an unauthorised third party might unlawfully alter, lose, handle or access such information.